• Measure, Reduce and Track your Business' Carbon Emissions

  • How is Climate Essentials removing the barriers of entry to start your Net Zero Pledges?

    Easy to use:
    Flexible data inputting options with estimation features to utilise simple-to-access data
    Measure across sites, scopes and domains using up-to-date government official carbon data.
    Understand the sources of your emissions and access a customisable reduction strategy which can make tangible and tailored recommendations to aid the journey to net zero emissions
    Track your progress:
    Collate all your data on one platform to establish consistency and track your emissions over time and across sites or business divisions.
    Benchmark and Report:
    Understand your emissions in the context of other businesses through benchmarking and carbon related KPIs.

    Measure your carbon footprint
  • Why Should Businesses Care?

    Growth graph

    Build Business Resilience

    With increased top-down regulatory pressure and bottom-up consumer and employee expectations, businesses need to take control and respond to this market shift.


    Save Money

    An average micro business can save £2,000 if they implement carbon reduction strategies. Collectively, by taking action to reduce its footprint, the business sector could save £23bn a year.


    SMEs Can Make a Big Impact

    An average micro business can reduce their carbon footprint by 13 tonnes each year. Small and medium enterprises are responsible for more than 20% of the UK's carbon emissions.

  • Ready to make a real change?

    We cannot fight climate change alone.

    As well as measuring and reporting your carbon footprint with Climate Essentials, you can also join our community of businesses.

    Here you can share ideas, recommendations, access grants and support to reduce your organisational carbon footprint. Nudge your employees to take action and make your workplace greener.

    It's not a single business or person taking a million steps to reduce their impact, but a million businesses and people taking small steps towards a greener future.

    Join the community
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