How to reduce household emmissions

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In 2017, the UK emitted 451 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to the environment, 40% of which came from the residential sector. This means that on average, a household emits around 7 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. In order to achieve the UK reduction goals, each household needs to reduce by 3.6 tCO2eq their net emissions. This can be achieved by implementing different alternatives which target the reduction of energy consumption in a household.

Today we present two alternatives that can help households reduce emissions and costs


Double glazing and cavity insulation

These alternatives offer the possibility of reducing energy consumption by improving household insulation. It is estimated that one-third of the heat is lost through the walls and windows in an average home.

-  Cost: For a detached house, the cost of implementing cavity insulation averages £720, with a payback period of 4 years. On the other hand, double glazing for a detached house costs £3000. The bills saving using these alternatives are £140 for double glazing and £225 for cavity insulation.

-  Greenhouse emissions reduction: According to the Energy Saving Trust it is estimated that an average household saves 1340kg of CO2eq emissions per year using cavity insulation. On the other hand, double glazing saves on average 740kg of CO2eq emissions.

-  Ease of installation: They involve major modifications in the household and it is usually performed by professionals. If not done correctly, it could lead to dampness in walls and windows, and rusting acceleration.

Installation of efficient appliances

The appliances that consume the most electricity in an average household are as follows:

-  Heating/Cooling: 47% of energy use

-  Water heater: 14% of energy use

-  Lightning: 12% of energy use

Changing these appliances for more efficient ones can have a great impact on electricity consumption and therefore GHG reductions in a house. The alternatives will include changing the AC, boiler, and lightning.

-  Cost: For boilers, the average cost of replacing a boiler with D efficiency to an A type is £1700 including installation In the case of changing the lightbulbs for LED, the average cost is £150 for 20 lightbulbs in a household. Lastly, improving the air conditioner efficiency from SEER 10 to SEER 18 cost approximately £1300

-  Greenhouse emissions reduction: Assuming that a household can save £165 per year in gas bills by buying an A rating boiler, this translates to a GHG emission reduction of 756 kgCO2eq per year. By implementing LED lightning, a household can achieve 90% reduction of lightning electricity consumption (which accounts for 12% of the total electricity consumption), this accounts for 115kgCO2eq avoided per year and £40 saved. Lastly, changing the AC for a more efficient one could prevent the emissions of 336kgCO2eq, based on the assumption of 1200kWh saved.

-  Ease of installation: Boilers and AC must be installed by professionals, but lightning can be replaced by laymen.


In Summary:




Kg CO2 Reduced

Double Glazed windows




Wall Insulation




A+ Boiler




LED Lightning









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